Jayapal Identifies Federal Funding Sources For West Seattle Bridge
SEATTLE — U.S. Representative Pramila Jayapal (WA-07) has identified two existing federal grant programs that can be utilized to help fund the repairs to the West Seattle Bridge. The BUILD Grant program and the INFRA Grant program can both be used for transportation and infrastructure projects across the country — including to repair existing bridges.
“As a West Seattle resident, I know how important it is to our community, businesses, port and regional economy that we quickly and safely repair the West Seattle Bridge,” said Congresswoman Jayapal. “My office and I have already identified two federal grant programs for infrastructure projects, and we are ready to assist the city in the application process so they have the resources and support necessary to successfully make these repairs.”
Congresswoman Jayapal and her office have worked closely with the City of Seattle, the West Seattle Bridge Community Task Force and the state’s two U.S. Senators as recent discussions about the bridge have occurred. She will continue to coordinate the Washington State Congressional Delegation’s response in the weeks and months ahead.
Since coming to Congress in 2017, Representative Jayapal has fought for more infrastructure funding so we can repair our community’s roads, transportation systems and bridges. She was proud to recently help pass H.R. 2, the Moving Forward Act, which is a deeply necessary investment in our country’s infrastructure that includes $28 billion in investments for bridges. As the House of Representatives considered the legislation, Congresswoman Jayapal successfully called for a significant increase to the BUILD Grant program — with the final version nearly doubling the funding available. The full Moving Forward Act authorized more than $494 billion for highways and bridges, public transit agencies, freight and passenger rail and vehicular safety. This is a 46 percent increase in funding over current levels.
Last month, Representative Jayapal published her office’s annual Infrastructure Report, which included dozens of projects across Washington’s Seventh Congressional District. The report outlined projects related to bridges, natural infrastructure, roads, railways, transit and waterways. The report included the West Seattle Bridge.