Community Project Funding
Thank you for your interest in submitting a request for Community Project Funding to Congresswoman Pramila Jayapal. The submission period for FY2025 submissions is now closed. Guidance will remain available below. If your organization is interested in receiving updates on this process in the future, please fill out the form here.
One key change in this year’s CPF process pertains to non-profit eligibility. House Republican leadership issued guidance stating that non-profits are no longer eligible for Community Project Funding in the THUD Economic Development Initiative (EDI) account. This was unfortunately the primary funding source for many nonprofit organizations in FY24. Interested nonprofits may explore other accounts for potential eligibility. Interested nonprofits may also consider reaching out to Senator Cantwell or Senator Murray’s offices as the Senate’s eligibility criteria is much broader. Please note that for-profit entities remain ineligible for this funding. You can verify your Congressional District here.
Please read the information on this webpage and the additional guidance linked below before submitting a request.
- Programmatic and Language Request Guidance
- Community Project Funding Request Guidance
- Subcommittee Guidance
Each Member of Congress can select 15 projects for submission to the Appropriations Committee. Please also note that submissions require a minimum of two letters of support from external entities to the organization.
If you have additional questions, please call Congresswoman Jayapal’s district office at (206) 674-0040 or email Wa07CommunityProjects@mail.house.gov.
Previously submitted and funded projects from Congresswoman Jayapal:
2025 Community Based Funding Requests
2024 Community Project Funding Awards
2023 Community Project Funding Awards
2022 Community Project Funding Awards
What is Community Project Funding?
Community Project Funding requests allow Members of Congress to target federal funds toward projects and programs that will benefit the communities they represent. Only state, local, and tribal governments; publicly owned entities (e.g. ports, universities, PUDs, etc.); and certain non-profit entities (must be a 501(c)(3); non-profit eligibility may vary depending on the program) are eligible to request Community Project Funding. In 2024, Members can request 15 projects.
Please note that the responses below are currently based on FY24 guidance. This webpage will be updated when FY25 guidance becomes available.
What types of projects is the district most interested in funding? Will certain projects receive priority over others?
All projects will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis. Congresswoman Jayapal is interested in funding a variety of different projects and causes. Projects demonstrating strong community support (from elected government officials, local organizations, etc.) are priorities.
How are projects with multiple partners considered?
Projects with partners will be considered on a case-by-case basis, but the funding will only be granted to one applicant. Subgranting is not permitted.
Can my project span multiple districts?
Yes. However, statewide projects and those spanning congressional districts may be better suited for submission to Senator Cantwell and Senator Murray given their jurisdictions.
What is the recommended range of funding to request for a project?
Applicants should request funding for what is needed for the project. Funding amounts depend on the project and the subcommittee under which the project falls. Applicants are encouraged to review past funding amounts from the relevant subcommittee to determine an appropriate range.
Final funded projects are available here:
FY24: https://jayapal.house.gov/2024/03/06/jayapal-announces-18-2-million-in-community-project-funding-for-fy24/
FY23: https://democrats-appropriations.house.gov/transparency/fiscal-year-2023
FY22: https://democrats-appropriations.house.gov/transparency/fiscal-year-2022
Is there a dollar match requirement, and what does that mean?
Several programs eligible for community-based project funding requests require a state or local match for projects either by statute or according to longstanding policy. This does not mean that matching funds must be in-hand prior to requesting a project, but that local officials must have a plan to meet such requirements in order for such a project to be viable. More information on the requirements for individual projects is available online: https://appropriations.house.gov/fiscal-year-2024-member-request-guidance
What is the scope and duration of the project funding?
Requests must be for Fiscal Year 2024 funding only (Oct. 1, 2023 to Sep. 30, 2024) and cannot include multi-year funding.
Can I obtain funding without a current government contract?
When is my application due?
This will be updated when we receive guidance from House leadership, but we encourage applicants to anticipate a short turnaround.
Is it possible to apply for more than one project?
Yes, organizations may apply for funding for multiple projects. However, our office will only fund one project per organization.