The Medicare for All Act of 2021 is transformative legislation that guarantees health care to everyone in America as a human right. It does so by providing comprehensive benefits including primary care, vision, dental, prescription drugs, mental health, long-term services and supports, reproductive care, and more with no copays, private insurance premiums, deductibles, or other cost-sharing. The bill is endorsed by 300 local, state, and national organizations that represent nurses, doctors, business owners, unions, and racial justice organizations.
National Endorsements
AF3IRM, AIDS Healthcare Foundation, American Medical Student Association, American Muslim Health Professionals, American Postal Workers Union, Asian Pacific American Labor Alliance AFL-CIO, Association of Flight Attendants – CWA, Bayard Rustin Liberation Initiative, Be A Hero, Blue Future, Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way Employees, Business Leaders for Health Care Transformation, Businesses for a Livable Climate, CASA, Catch Fire Movement, CatholicNetwork.US, Center for Health, and Democracy, Center for LGBTQ Economic Advancement & Research (CLEAR), Center for Popular Democracy Action,Color Of Change, Debs-Jones-Douglass Institute, Democracy for, America, Democratic Socialists of America, Earth Action, Inc., Equality Federation, Faith in Healthcare, For All, GreenFaith, Healthcare-NOW, Hunger Free America, Indivisible, International Alliance of Theatrical Stage Employees (IATSE), International, Federation of Professional and Technical Engineers (IFPTE), Justice Democrats, Labor Campaign for Single Payer, MoveOn, MPower Change, Muslim Delegates and Allies, NAACP, National Council of Churches of Christ in the USA, National Domestic Workers, Alliance, National Center for Lesbian Rights, League of United Latin American Citizens (LULAC), National Education Association, National Educators United (NEU), National Health Care for the Homeless Council, National Immigration Law Center, National Korean American Service & Education Consortium (NAKASEC), National Nurses United, National Organization for Women, National Union of Healthcare Workers, NETWORK Lobby for Catholic Social Justice, One Fair Wage, Opioid Network, Center for Popular Democracy Action, Other98, Our Revolution, P.A.I.N. (Prescription Addiction Intervention Now), Partners for Dignity & Rights, People’s Action, Pharmacists for Single Payer, Physicians for a National Health Program, Positive Women’s Network-USA, Progressive Democrats of America, Progressives for Democracy in America, Public Citizen, RAICES, RapidShift Network, SEIU, Social Security Works, Sunrise Movement, The Committee of Interns and Residents, SEIU, The Zero Hour with RJ Eskow, UltraViolet Action, Union for Reform Judaism, United Church of Christ Justice and Witness Ministries, United Electrical, Radio & Machine Workers of America (UE), United Mine Workers of America, United We Dream, Utility Workers Union of America, Voto Latino, Women’s March
State Endorsements
Action NC, AF3IRM Hawaiʻi, Alaskans Take A Stand, Arizona Educators United (AEU), Arizona People’s Party, Arizona Progressive People’s Alliance, Arkansas Community Organizations, Arkansas Community Organizations, Arizona Working Families Party, AZ Medicare for All Coalition, Call to Action Colorado, Campaign for NY Health, CASA, Citizen Action of Wisconsin, Colorado Businesses for a Livable Climate, Colorado Foundation for Universal Health Care, Columbia Legal Services, Communities United, DelACA (Delaware Alliance for Community Advancement), Delaware Alliance for Community Advancement, Democratic Progressive Caucus of Florida, FreedomBLOC, Health Care for All Minnesota, Health Care for All Oregon, Health Care for All Oregon-Action, Health Care for All Pennsylvania, Healthcare is a Human Right Maryland, Hometown Action, HOPE in the Midwest – Health Over Profit for Everyone, Illinois Coalition for Immigrant and Refugee Rights, Indivisible California Statewide, Indivisible Colorado Action Network, Indivisible Illinois, Indivisible Tennessee, Iowa Citizens for Community Improvement, Land Stewardship Project, Maine AFL-CIO, mainers for accountable leadership, Make the Road New York, Make the Road Nevada, Make the Road New York, Maryland Progressive Healthcare Coalition, Massachusetts Nurses Association, Mass-Care: the Massachusetts Campaign for Single-Payer Health Care, Michigan United, Minnesota AFL-CIO, Minnesota Indivisible Alliance, Minnesota Nurses Association, Montana Human Rights Network, NAKASEC Virginia, New Hampshire Youth Movement, NJ State Industrial Union Council, New Jersey Working Families Alliance, New York State Nurses Association, NJ State Industrial Union Council, North Carolina Medicare For All Coalition (NCM4A), Not Me Us, FL., Ohio Organizing Collaborative, OLÉ (Organizers in the Land of Enchantment), One Fair Wage Arizona, OneAmerica, OR Washington Berniecrats Coalition, Our Future WV, Our Revolution Maryland, Our Revolution New Jersey, Our Revolution Ohio, Our Revolution Oregon, Our Revolution Texas, Our Revolution Virginia, PDA California, PDA Colorado, PDA Nebraska, PDA NJ, PDA Oregon, PDA South Carolina, Phoenix Democratic Socialists of America, Physicians for a National Health Program – Maryland Chapter, Physicians for a National health Program – Minnesota (PNHP-MN), Progressive Democrats of America – Arizona Chapter, Progressive Democrats of America – Massachusetts, Progressive Democrats of America Central New Mexico, Progressive Democrats of America, Central New Mexico Chapter, Progressive Democrats of America, Florida Chapter, Progressive Democrats of America, Maryland, Progressive Democrats of America-Virginia, Progressive Democrats of Colorado Initiative of CDP, Progressive Democrats of Guam, Progressive Democrats of Hawaii, Rights & Democracy (NH + VT), River Valley Organizing, South Carolina AFL-CIO, SPAN Ohio, Stand Up Alaska, Step Up Louisiana, Sustainable Energy & Economy Network, TakeAction Minnesota, Texas Organizing Project, Washington Community Action Network, Vermont State Labor Council, AFL-CIO, WV Citizen Action Group, Workers Defense Action Fund
Local Endorsements
4OurKin, Action for a Better Tomorrow – Sauk Valley, AF3IRM NY/NJ, AF3IRM SF Bay Area, Arvadans for Progressive Action, Asian Counseling and Referral Service, Asian American Health Research Group (AAPIHRG), AWAKE Palm Beach County, Bend the Arc: Champaign-Urbana, Broward For Progress, Broward PDA, Bus For Progress, Butte County Health Care Coalition, Cape May County Indivisible, Cobb Progressive Democrats of America, CobbPDA, Cuyahoga County Progressive Caucus, Democracy for Monroe County, Democratic Progressive Caucus of Tampa Bay, Democratic Socialists of America – Los Angeles, Democrats of Hemet-San Jacinto, Denver PDA, DFA Palm Beach County, Eastern Panhandle Single-PayAction Network (EPSPAN.org) -WV, Essex Rising, Freeport Indivisible, Fremont County Indivisible of Colorado, Goshen Indivisible, Green Mountain Labor Council, AFL-CIO, HANA Center, Health Care is a Human Right – Maryland, Frederick County, Health Care Justice–NC, Healthcare is an Act of Love, Indivisible 121, Indivisible Brookfield, Indivisible Cayuga, Indivisible Chicago-South Side, Indivisible DuPage, Indivisible Evansville, Indivisible GA 04, Indivisible Grapevine Area, Indivisible in Anchorage, Indivisible Indiana – District 2, Indivisible Indiana 8th District, Indivisible Northwestern University, Indivisible Printers Row, Indivisible Rochester, Indivisible San Francisco, Indivisible Shawnee, Indivisible South Bay Los Angeles, Indivisible South Suburban Chicago, Indivisible Ulster (NY19), Indivisible West Suburban Action League, Indivisible Western Springs and Surrounding Communities, IndivisibleWIL Crystal Lake, Jane Addams Senior Caucus, Jefferson County Progressives, LA Poor People’s Campaign, LD24 Democrats, Lehigh Valley Medicare for All, Los Amigos of Orange County CA, Metro DC Democratic Socialists of America, Michiana Medicare4all, Monmouth County Democratic Progressive Caucus, Muncie Resists, Northridge Indivisible, NYC Democratic Socialists of America, Ocean County Progressives, OliveAction, Orange County Equality Coalition, Our Revolution – Gloucester County, New Jersey, Our Revolution Central Willamette, Our Revolution Colorado Springs & CD 5, Our Revolution Essex County, Our Revolution Howard County, Our Revolution MD Anne Arundel, Our Revolution Metro Denver, Our Revolution Monmouth County NJ, Our Revolution Mountain Colorado, Our Revolution Northern Virginia (ORNOVA), Our Revolution Portland, Our Revolution Prince William, Our Revolution South Central Virginia, Our Revolution Trenton Mercer, Our Revolution/ Progressive Democrats of America Antelope Valley, OurRev305, PDA CD-24, The People’s Progressive Caucus of Miami-Dade, PDA Central Florida, PDA Oakland Chapter, PDA Orange Co CA Chapter, Our Revolution, East Bay PDA Rockdale County, PDA San Francisco Chapter, PDA South Orange County, PDA-Chapter Leader-Central Texas, PDA-Riverside, PDA-San Fernando Valley Chapter, Phoenix Democratic Socialists of America, Phoenix Workers Alliance, Prince George’s County Peace & Justice Coalition, Progressive Democrats of America (PDA) – East Valley Arizona, Progressive Democrats of America Calumet Region, Progressive Democrats of America- North Central Texas, Progressive Democrats of America, Palm Beach County Chapter, Progressive Democrats of America, Tucson Chapter, Progressive Democrats of the Santa Monica Mountains, Progressives for Democracy in America Central Florida, Progressive Schenectady, Rio Grande Indivisible, Rise Up WV, San Antonio PDA, San Gabriel Valley Progressives, San Luis Obispo County Democratic Party, San Mateo County Democracy for America, SEIU 888, Sierra County Indivisible, Social Justice Indivisible, South Bay SNaHP, South Hampton Roads for Bernie, SPACEs in Action, Sumter Speaks, Sunrise Movement Tempe, UNITE HERE Local 11, Uptown Progressive Action, Western Front Indivisible, Woori Center