Jayapal Responds to White House Closing Russian Consulate in Seattle
SEATTLE – Today, Rep. Pramila Jayapal released the following statement in response to the White House announcement to expel 60 Russian diplomats and close the Russian consulate in Seattle.
“It’s important that the United States is coordinating with Canada and the European Union to punish Russia. Standing strong with our allies is essential. The action to expel diplomats and close the Russian consulate in Seattle, given its strategic location, is a small step in holding Russia accountable.
“However, this action is almost ironic, given the president is dragging his feet to do anything against Putin or Russia for interfering in the 2016 election – taking months to implement the bipartisan sanctions that passed through Congress last year. Seventeen intelligence agencies have concluded that Russia interfered in our elections. Yet, this president refuses to lift a finger to protect our elections from Russian interference.
“Our adversaries like Russia need to know that we won’t sit idly by as they attack and interfere in our Democratic process. Unfortunately, Donald Trump doesn’t have the spine to stand up to Putin. Instead of taking swift action against Putin, Trump continues to buddy up to him, congratulating the Russian president on election victories and showering him with praise. We approved $380 million dollars in the budget for election security. Since Trump refuses to act, it’s up to Congress to make concrete change.”
Issues: Foreign Affairs & National Security, Government Reform & Ethics