Jayapal Statement on Fatal Police Shooting in Seattle
SEATTLE – Congresswoman Pramila Jayapal released the following statement on the police shooting of Charleena Lyles:
“The shooting death of Charleena Lyles is an extraordinary tragedy. In the wake of this trauma, we must support the Lyles family in their grieving and healing. The Seattle Police Department and its oversight bodies must conduct a thorough and transparent investigation in such a way that builds community trust, using the policies and procedures developed through Department of Justice reforms.
“I was part of the Seattle coalition that requested federal intervention to curb the police department’s excessive force and racial bias. Unfortunately, Attorney General Jeff Sessions wants to undo the progress made under the Obama administration and abandon the work of defending civil rights. Congress must step up to the plate before more lives are needlessly lost. I am co-sponsoring a forthcoming bill to mandate de-escalation training, including the use of non-lethal force alternatives and how to handle mental health crises, for police officers across the country.
“We in government must ensure that police are rooting out bias and properly equipped to handle mental health crises, and that our judicial system does not afford impunity to officers who unjustly use deadly force.”