Jayapal on the Latest Trumpcare CBO Score
WASHINGTON, D.C – Congresswoman Pramila Jayapal, Vice Ranking Member of the House Budget Committee, released the following statement in response to the latest Congressional Budget Office analysis of the Senate health care bill:
“I call on every elected member of the Senate with a conscience to reject Trumpcare. The latest CBO score shows this version would kick 22 million people off health coverage over the next decade. First it was 24 million, then 23 million, now 22 million. Do the Republicans need 22 more shots at Trumpcare before they get to zero?
“The numbers prove that Trumpcare is cruel – that has not changed. We should be expanding health care and adding millions to the ranks of the insured, not destroying care by slashing billions from Medicaid and giving tax breaks to the wealthy.”
According the Congressional Budget Office, Trumpcare would:
- Strip coverage away from 22 million Americans over the next 10 years, including nearly 224,000 Washingtonians who rely on private coverage
- Force seniors to pay more for the same coverage they receive under the Affordable Care Act. Under Trumpcare by 2026, a 64- year old with an income of about $56,000 pay more than $20,000 annually for a silver-level health plan, more than one-third of their income
- Leave 15 million more people uninsured in 2018 than under current law
- Gut $772 billion from Medicaid on top of the $610 billion in cuts proposed in the Trump budget — and impact 11 million Americans across 31 states who have benefited from Medicaid expansion under the Affordable Care Act
- Increase premiums by 20 percent in 2018 and 10 percent in 2019
- Lead to major increases in out-of-pocket costs and deductibles
Issues: Government Reform & Ethics, Health Care