In Light of Motel 6 Revelations, Jayapal and Gallego Call for Standards to Protect Guests from Warrantless Immigration Sweeps
WASHINGTON, DC – Today, Congresswoman Pramila Jayapal (WA-07) and Congressman Ruben Gallego (AZ-07) wrote to the American Hotel & Lodging Association requesting the establishment of formal industry standards encouraging hotel chains to protect their guests from warrantless intrusions by federal immigration authorities or other law enforcement agencies.
The letter follows reports that Motel 6 locations in Arizona and Washington were routinely handing over customers’ personal information to federal immigration authorities for the purpose of conducting enforcement actions.
“Recent reports of Motel 6 combing guest lists for immigrants and turning over Latino names to ICE agents are deeply alarming. With the Trump administration overseeing an out-of-control deportation force, it is up to leaders in every industry, including hotels, to be vigilant in adhering to the rule of law and ensuring equal protection for all,” said Rep. Jayapal. “Racism and racial profiling have no place anywhere in America. Congressman Gallego and I urge the American Hotel and Lodging Association to put in place standards to make sure these things never happen again.”
“We’re urging the hotel industry to help protect American travelers from the out-of-control Trump administration,” said Rep. Gallego. “We know now that ICE agents across the country are taking guest lists without a warrant and harassing customers with Latino names. Empowered by President Trump, they are engaging in brazen racial profiling and trampling on the rights of law abiding people. In the face of these unacceptable and un-American tactics, it’s time for the hotel industry to step up and do more to protect the traveling public.”
The full text of the letter to the AHLA is below and the signed letter can be found here.
Issues: Immigration