WASHINGTON, DC – U.S. Representative Pramila Jayapal (WA-07), a member of the House Judiciary Committee and Co-Chair of the Congressional Progressive Caucus, issued the following statement after the House passed H.R. 755, Articles of Impeachment against President Donald J. Trump:
“Today was a day of accountability. It was a day for defending our democracy.
By inviting foreign interference in our elections, President Trump corrupted our democracy and violated the Constitution. By leveraging critical, congressionally appropriated aid to a fragile, foreign ally for personal gain, President Trump betrayed our national security and violated the Constitution. By obstructing the House from doing our job, President Trump put himself above the law and violated the Constitution. Impeachment is a rarely used remedy, designed to guard against the most egregious abuses of power. Donald Trump’s abuse of power and obstruction of Congress so clearly warrants its use.
Our democracy derives its power not from the bloodlines of monarchs but from the votes of ‘We, the People.’ It only works if ‘We, the People’ summon the courage to vigorously protect and renew its promise. That is the history of our nation: Courageous patriots who fought for independence and gifted us the United States Constitution; courageous patriots, like Harriet Tubman, who escaped slavery and led others to safety through the Underground Railroad; and courageous patriots, like Reverend Martin Luther King Jr. and Representative John Lewis, who stood up on the Edmund Pettus Bridge and secured civil rights for all. These patriots all rose to the awesome responsibility given to all of us by the Founders to protect our democracy.
This moment in our history is a test. It is a test of the vision of our framers, the resilience of our Constitution, and the character and patriotism of our elected officials. Today, we summoned the courage to answer this test and voted to impeach Donald J. Trump.
As I cast my own vote, I thought of my oath to protect and defend the Constitution of the United States of America. I thought of my parents—who put an ocean between them and their 16-year-old child because they believed America was worth it. I thought of the responsibility I have to my own beloved child and future generations to ensure America continues to be worth it.
Mine was not a vote against any person—it was a vote for the Constitution and for ‘We, the People.’ Because I believe America is so deeply worth it.
The Senate must now conduct a serious, fair trial. The graveness of the moment our nation finds itself in—and the American people—demand it. It would be an affront to our Framers and the Constitution and disrespectful to the American people if Mitch McConnell puts on a sham trial. History and the American people are watching.”
Ahead of today’s historic vote, Jayapal delivered remarks on the House Floor. Those remarks are available here. Last week, Jayapal announced her intention to vote for the Articles of Impeachment against President Trump during the House Judiciary Committee’s markup of the Articles. Those remarks are available here. When she voted in Committee to send the Articles of Impeachment to the full House for consideration, Jayapal held up her copy of the U.S. Constitution.
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