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Congresswoman Jayapal on the Public Charge Rule

Washington, D.C. – Congresswoman Pramila Jayapal has released the following statement on the Trump administration’s publication of the new public charge rule:

“The Trump administration’s new regulation – one that further cuts legal immigration – is unconscionable. Under this rule, if an immigrant with legal status uses benefits for which they are eligible, such as food assistance to feed their U.S. citizen children or housing assistance, then the federal government could take away their status or even deport them. This regulation is another anti-immigrant, racially and economically discriminatory policy with a clear message that if you’re not white and rich, you’re not welcome in America.  

“In fact, the new Acting Director of U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services, Ken Cuccinelli, even said that the reference to ‘huddled masses yearning to breathe free’ inscribed on the Statue of Liberty was only meant for ‘people coming from Europe,’ a stunning admission that the Trump administration only believes in welcoming white immigrants. 

“Along with the ICE raids in Mississippi, and just days after the El Paso murders shocked the Latinx community, the president’s sweeping, government-wide assault on immigrant families will only continue to promote fear across this country. But our fight isn’t over. I am a proud original co-sponsor of Congresswoman Judy Chu’s No Federal Funds for Public Charge Act to defund Trump’s efforts, and I will continue to speak out and stand alongside immigrant families. I also commend Washington State Attorney General Bob Ferguson for leading a multistate lawsuit to challenge this heinous policy.

“Our nation is strong because of our diversity, and that diversity is worth fighting for.”
