Jayapal Celebrates Biden’s ERA Declaration
SEATTLE, WA – U.S. Representative Pramila Jayapal (WA-07) released the following statement celebrating President Joe Biden’s declaration that the Equal Rights Amendment is the law of the land:
“The Equal Rights Amendment (ERA) passed with bipartisan support in 1972, and in the decades since women across this country have worked tirelessly to move it forward. I thank President Biden for his deep, lifelong commitment to women’s rights. His action today honors the work of generations of activists and organizers for equal rights.
“While we still have much work to do to ensure that the next generation of women has more, not less, rights than previous generations – this is an important declaration.
“Now we must do the work to truly make this the practice of the land and make the ERA the 28th Amendment to our Constitution.”
The ERA was written in 1923 by two leaders of the suffrage movement and was approved by Congress in 1972, sending it to the states for ratification. In 2020, Virginia became the 38th state to ratify it, clearing the necessary two-thirds barrier to add it to the U.S. Constitution.
Issues: Civil Rights