Ranking Member Jayapal Details Opposition To Adding Border Policy to Supplemental Funding Bill
WASHINGTON — Representative Pramila Jayapal (WA-07), Chair of the Congressional Progressive Caucus and Ranking Member of the Immigration Integrity, Security, and Enforcement Subcommittee issued the following statement on reported Senate negotiations around border funding in the government’s FY2024 Appropriations package:
“We have made it clear that new immigration and border policy does not belong in a funding bill, especially on issues that require experienced and thoughtful consideration. However, there still appear to be attempts in the Senate to sacrifice sane immigration policy and our immigrant communities to a haphazard and rushed process that will be extremely harmful to future progress.
“Let me be clear: any immigration policy changes, including to raise the credible fear standard or to limit access to asylum or parole, will be met with strong opposition from many Democrats. The cruel, inhumane, and unworkable solutions offered by Republicans will only create more disorder and confusion at the border. Reforming our immigration system requires holistic solutions that address our economic, humanitarian, and security needs — not more of the same enforcement-only approach that has failed us for the last 30 years.”
Issues: Immigration