Jayapal Holds Event Assisting 87 Constituents in Applying for Passports
SEATTLE – Over the weekend, U.S. Representative Pramila Jayapal (WA-07) held an event to assist constituents in applying for passports amid major backlogs. 87 people attended and were able to get immediate assistance in applying for their first passports, children’s passports, and replacements for lost or stolen passports.
“One of the biggest issues I’ve heard from my constituents lately is that processing times for U.S. passport applications pose significant challenges for those looking to travel because the demand is at an all-time high. In 2023 alone, my constituent services team has worked on 425 passport cases,” said Jayapal. “I am so proud that my office was able to partner with the Seattle Passport Agency and the City of Seattle to host this Passport Fair and help to get people the assistance they need.”
“We’re delighted that the City of Seattle Central Customer Service Center partnered with Congresswoman Jayapal’s office on this event giving more opportunities for the public to submit passport applications. Passport acceptance facilities play a crucial role accepting passport applications from the public. Anyone planning international travel should apply early and check travel.state.gov for a list of acceptance facilities near them,” said Trip Atkins, Director of the Seattle Passport Agency.