Japayal, Bush, Doggett Statement on Insulin Bill Passage
WASHINGTON — Today, U.S. Representatives Pramila Jayapal (WA-07), Cori Bush (MO-01) and Lloyd Doggett (TX-35) released the following statement on the passage of H.R. 6833 – The Affordable Insulin Now Act. The legislation would cap out-of-pocket costs for insulin to no more than $35 per month for people with commercial health insurance and Medicare plans. It would ensure that the more than 8 million people in our country who have diabetes and rely on insulin can affordably have access to it if they have insurance.
“No one should have to wonder if they can afford to live. Health care is a human right, which is why the Affordable Insulin Now Act must do more to make sure nobody is left behind. The current bill does not account for the millions of people living in our country without insurance.
“As Congress continues to consider measures to provide prescription price gouging relief, it is essential no one is left behind because of their insurance status or any other factor. To save lives, it is imperative that insulin and other life-saving drugs are affordable for all patients.
“We look forward to continuing to work to lower the price of insulin and other prescription drugs to stop the profiteering by large pharmaceutical companies. Until Big Pharma monopoly abuse is addressed, patients will continue to suffer and costs will merely shift onto consumers. We must comprehensively address this crisis to lower costs for every person in America.”
In December 2021, Jayapal and Bush led nearly 100 of their fellow House members in urging the Senate to quickly make insulin affordable for all Americans, including uninsured patients, as part of the Build Back Better Act. Doggett has authored several amendments to prescription drug legislation to expand relief to the uninsured, including offering an amendment to the Affordable Insulin Now Act that was not included today.
Issues: Health Care