Jayapal and Maloney Introduce Bill Revoking Benefits for Convicted Presidents
Legislation requires the forfeiture of taxpayer-funded benefits for any former President convicted of a felony
WASHINGTON — Today, U.S. Representatives Pramila Jayapal (WA-07) and Sean Patrick Maloney (NY-18) introduced the Restoring and Enforcing Accountability of Presidents (REAP) Act, a bill requiring the forfeiture of benefits for any former President convicted of a felony.
“No person is above the law — not even a former president. While Congress must refuse to let Donald Trump off the hook for inciting a deadly insurrection and for committing countless other crimes during his lawless presidency, we must also ensure that no president who is convicted of a felony receives taxpayer-funded benefits,” said Congresswoman Pramila Jayapal. “The REAP Act is an important step towards finally securing full accountability and justice in this country.”
“Breaking the law has consequences – no matter how powerful you are, or were. Presidents who are convicted of a felony should not receive taxpayer-funded benefits. It’s that simple,” said Rep. Sean Patrick Maloney. “The fact that this bill is now necessary in America brings me no joy, but we must demand accountability from those who have held our nation’s highest office.”
Under the Former President Act of 1958, United States Presidents are granted a lifetime pension at the rate of a current Cabinet Secretary, a budget for staff personnel, and office space leased and furnished by taxpayer dollars. The Restoring and Enforcing Accountability of Presidents (REAP) Act would also hold Presidents accountable by revoking benefits (excluding lifetime Secret Service protection) for Presidents convicted of felonies during or after office. This bill would close loopholes in the Former Presidents Act that could allow an impeached and convicted President to still receive benefits, even if the conviction took place after they left office.
Issues: Government Reform & Ethics, Public Safety & Criminal Justice