Jayapal Statement on the Senate’s Impeachment Vote
“43 Republican senators not only failed to hold Donald Trump accountable for inciting a deadly insurrection, but they failed to protect our country, our constitution, and our very democracy.“
WASHINGTON — U.S. Representative Pramila Jayapal (WA-07), Chair of the Congressional Progressive Caucus and a member of the House Judiciary Committee, released the following statement today after the U.S. Senate failed to hold former president Donald Trump accountable for inciting a deadly insurrection and the most violent attack on the United States Capitol since the War of 1812:
“By once again putting their one-man cult over the wellbeing of this nation, 43 Republican senators not only failed to hold Donald Trump accountable for inciting a deadly insurrection, but they failed to protect our country, our constitution, and our very democracy.
“The one-term, twice-impeached former president incited his supporters to launch the deadliest and most destructive assault on the U.S. Capitol since the War of 1812. I know because I was there, trapped in the House Gallery just feet away from the violent insurrectionists who were pounding on the doors and looking for Members of Congress who they deemed traitors simply for upholding the will of the people in a free and fair election. For those who were not there, the case is just as clear.
“With disturbing new footage, a minute by minute timeline, and the former president’s own words, the House impeachment managers masterfully presented an open and shut case. Donald Trump told domestic terrorists — many associated with white nationalist groups — to “stand by.” Then he urged them to “fight like hell.” Next, he proclaimed, “we are going to the Capitol.” The insurrectionists followed his orders and carried out a violent attack on our country with the intent of overtaking Congress, overturning this election, and undermining our democracy. The former president’s legal team had no real defense during the trial because Donald Trump’s deadly actions are simply indefensible. He continues to lie about the election results to this day.
“With their vote, each Republican Senator had a choice to make: protect America and uphold their oath to this country and our constitution or stay with a one-man cult — a cult of madness rather than a party of principles — that discards democracy and radicalizes in broad daylight. I applaud those Republicans in the House and Senate who put country over party, making this the most bipartisan impeachment in U.S. history.
“While we must hold these 43 senators fully accountable for further endangering our nation with their cowardice, we must also refuse to let Donald Trump off the hook for causing this deadly insurrection and for committing countless other crimes during his lawless presidency. The American people held him accountable at the ballot box in November as they delivered a mandate — taking back the White House, flipping the Senate, and keeping the House of Representatives. Now, Congress must do the same in the days ahead because America is so deeply worth it.”
Issues: Government Reform & Ethics