WASHINGTON, DC – U.S. Representative Pramila Jayapal (WA-07), a member of the House Judiciary Committee and co-chair of the Congressional Progressive Caucus issued the following statement after the House passed a resolution to provide a clear path forward as the House enters the next phase of its impeachment inquiry into President Donald Trump’s abuse of power.
“Today’s vote moves us into the critically important public phase of our impeachment inquiry, ensuring that the American people will hear all the facts. An impeachment inquiry is one of the most serious duties entrusted to Congress, and it is essential that we now carefully move forward with public hearings, clear rules for a fair process, and due process protections for the President.”
“This is a solemn and grave moment, one that is absolutely needed based on the evidence we have gathered to date. The President and his acting chief of staff’s own words and testimony offered by officials under oath all paint a stunning picture of a President using the power his office to further his own political interests.”
“The President of the United States inviting a foreign ally to interfere in our elections—using taxpayer dollars as leverage—is a gross abuse of power and a betrayal of our Constitution, values and national security.”
“As we move forward, my Republican colleagues must remember their oath of office calls on them to defend the Constitution, not President Trump. It’s our job as the people’s representatives to reaffirm that no one is above the law. The American people are watching.”
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