Jayapal Statement on House Passage of Republican Senate Emergency Supplemental Appropriations Bill
Washington, D.C. – Today, Representative Pramila Jayapal (WA-07) issued the following statement regarding House passage of the Republican Senate Emergency Supplemental Appropriations bill, which lacks crucial protections for children and families in U.S. custody.
“Just days ago, I worked hard with the Congressional Progressive Caucus to get an emergency funding bill that would alleviate the inhumane treatment at the border being perpetrated by the Trump Administration. In order to ensure that funds were used appropriately, we put in strong guard rails to specify that children should get food, water, medical care and legal services; that no child should be kept in these facilities for more than 90 days; and that private, for-profit contractors who violate these standards would have their contracts terminated. It was absolutely critical to include these provisions to ensure these funds actually go to the children they are meant to help, and every person—regardless of party—should support them,” said Rep. Jayapal.
“In stark contrast, the Republican-led Senate bill—very unfortunately supported by 33 Democrats—simply does not contain sufficient guard rails, continues to provide more funding for the deportation forces of the Immigration & Customs Enforcement agency and allows a lawless administration to evade basic standards of care for children. The Senate bill also provides $145 million to the Department of Defense that would likely be used to build tent camps for children and families on military sites despite persistent reports that such facilities inflict harm on children and families.
“Without the strong accountability provisions we included in the House version, we simply allow the Administration to continue its inhumane treatment of immigrants. I have worked on immigration issues for decades, was the first Member of Congress to talk to hundreds of families that were separated by Trump and witnessed personally the abuses of Trump’s metering process at the border—a policy that eventually led to the haunting death of the father and child, depicted in a photo this week. I simply cannot vote for a bill that fails to address crucial needs for oversight and accountability when it comes to protections for children,” concluded Rep. Jayapal.
Issues: Immigration