Jayapal Statement on Announcement of Ways and Means Committee Medicare For All Hearing
Washington, D.C. – Today, Representative Pramila Jayapal (WA-07) issued the following statement regarding next week’s House Committee on Ways and Means hearing on Medicare for All:
“I am thrilled to share the announcement that we will have our second hearing on Medicare For All next week in the House Ways and Means Committee. I would like to thank Chairman Neal for taking this historic, progressive step in the fight to ensure quality, affordable health care for everyone. The momentum behind Medicare For All continues to grow. We have now had hearings in the Rules and Budget committees on Medicare For All and single-payer options, and cosponsors for my bill are increasing every week – including our most recent endorsement from Assistant Speaker Ben Ray Lujan. Across the country, advocates and activists are continuing to push for what the American people want, and I look forward to working with my colleagues in the majority to make this dream a reality for everyone.”
Issues: Health Care