Jayapal Statement on CBO Report on Single-Payer Policy
Washington, D.C. – Today, Representative Pramila Jayapal (WA-07) issued the following statement regarding the release of a report from the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) on design and policy considerations for the development of a single-payer health care system, as requested by House Budget Committee Chairman John Yarmuth earlier this year:
“I am grateful to Chairman Yarmuth for requesting this CBO report to help us examine the important policy considerations for a single-payer system like the one detailed in the Medicare for All Act of 2019. I am in complete agreement with Chairman Yarmuth when he says, ‘We must do more’ and that ‘it is no longer a matter of IF we will have a single-payer health care system in our country, but WHEN.’ The CBO report provides invaluable factual information for charting a pathway towards a single-payer system that guarantees care for everyone including the 29 million people who remain uninsured in this country. The report also details important considerations for achieving a health care system more similar to our sister countries who already provide universal health coverage and have better patient outcomes at lower costs. The CBO has produced a meaningful and useful resource that will help us as we advance Medicare for All through the House.”
Issues: Health Care