Rep. Jayapal Introduces Legislation to Repeal PAYGO Statute
WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, Representative Pramila Jayapal, Co-Chair of the Congressional Progressive Caucus, introduced H.R. 242 to repeal the Pay-As-You-Go-Act of 2010. Statutory Pay-As-You-Go or ‘PAYGO’ is currently law. To truly eliminate it we have to change the law, modifying the rules package is not enough.
“I have long been concerned about PAYGO and its legislative implications, and earlier this week I received a commitment from Rules Committee Chairman Jim McGovern to waive PAYGO for Medicare for All and other key progressive priorities. Taking it out of the rules package does not address the real problem which is that it is a statutory requirement,” said Rep. Jayapal. “That’s why today I am introducing legislation to repeal PAYGO and hold hearings immediately on why PAYGO is bad policy and bad for millions of working Americans who deserve a bold, visionary progressive agenda.”
Other original co-sponsors include (alphabetically by last name): Clarke, DeLauro, Espaillat, Gabbard, Gomez, Grijalva, Khanna, Lee, Maloney, McGovern, Nadler, Napolitano, Neguse, Ocasio-Cortez, Omar, Pingree, Pocan, Pressley, Raskin, Serrano, Schakowsky, Takano, Tlaib, Velázquez, Watson Coleman.
Issues: Government Reform & Ethics