Jayapal to Introduce Sen. Warren’s Anti-Corruption & Public Integrity Act In The House
Washington, D.C. – Today, Representative Pramila Jayapal (WA-07) introduced H.R. 7140, The Anti-Corruption & Public Integrity Act. This bill is the House companion of Senator Elizabeth Warren’s S. 3357. This comes on the heels of House Democrats, in their new majority, making ethics reforms and fighting corruption a top priority in the 116th Congress.
“I am so pleased that House Democrats are making anti-corruption a top priority, and that Congresswoman Jayapal is helping lead that conversation with these policies to reign in corruption and strengthen ethics in Washington,” said Senator Warren said yesterday in a joint interview with Representative Jayapal. “The time for real change in Washington has come. People are tired of a government that works only for the rich and powerful. They are demanding a government that works for everyone else and that’s what this anti-corruption bill is all about.”
“There is a desperate need for a comprehensive plan to change how our democracy works. Senator Warren has put together a very comprehensive bill to do just that, because Americans are tired of the rich and powerful running government,” said Representative Jayapal. “That’s what the Anti-Corruption and Public Integrity Act does. I’m proud and excited to be introducing this bill into the House.”
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Issues: Government Reform & Ethics