Jayapal Statement on Trump Decision to Renege on the Historic Iran Nuclear Deal
Congresswoman Pramila Jayapal released the following statement in response to President Trump’s decision to withdraw from the historic Iran nuclear deal:
“Donald Trump’s decision today moves us closer to war with Iran. This decision will only ramp up tensions and cause other nations, including North Korea, to question whether they should make agreements with the United States that may not be kept.
“The 2015 multilateral agreement negotiated by the Obama Administration has worked, allowing for international inspectors to verify 10 times that Iran has complied with strict limits on its nuclear program. Today, we have bipartisan agreement that we should strengthen the Iran deal, not pull out of it. Even those who may not have supported the initial deal now see that it is working.
“Tearing up the nuclear agreement – pushing us toward even more war in the Middle East – won’t bring down the deficit, won’t help us provide health care or solve the opioid crisis, and it won’t do anything to make our nation safer.”
“The Iran nuclear deal made our world a safer place. It’s alarming to see President Trump back out on our commitments, further damaging our international credibility and exposing us all to great risk.”