Jayapal Statement on the Short-Term Spending Bill
WASHINGTON, D.C. – Congresswoman Pramila Jayapal released the following statement in response to passage of the latest Republican continuing resolution:
“Today, I voted no on this most recent continuing resolution, the fifth since September. Let me be clear, these continuing resolutions are only necessary because of gross incompetence from Republicans who control the House, Senate and the White House. Last Friday, the government shut down because, even though Republicans control all three branches of government, they simply cannot competently govern. Now, the Republican Senate majority leader has given his word that he will address the many priorities necessary to come to agreement on a budget—such as community health centers, the opioid crisis and disaster relief. He also promised that he would bring forward a vote on a bipartisan deal that would protect Dreamers from deportation.
“As much as I hope that the majority leader will keep his promise, Republicans have done nothing to convince me that we should trust them. On February 8, the American people will find out if Republicans can keep their word on the promises they made to get the votes for this fifth continuing resolution – or if they will once again refuse to govern competently. The American people will find out if Republicans have any interest in protecting Dreamers with a permanent solution and a pathway to citizenship. I hope they do, but if they don’t, America will have a chance to make them face the consequences of their intransigence.
“Let us also be clear that along with incompetence in governing, the Trump administration, Republican leadership and some members of their party have shown they will continue to use immigrants as scapegoats. President Trump himself created this crisis for 1.5 million young Dreamers who now face deportation from the only country they know and can claim as home. Republicans keep moving the goalposts and changing the negotiations. Now they want to add ending legal immigration and family reunification – cornerstones of our immigration policy for 50 years – into the mix. That is unacceptable.
“Today, though, my heart breaks for Americans who rely on their community health centers but have no funding for them, for our communities ravaged by opioids, and for the people of Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands who are literally dying as Republicans choose expedient politics over the challenge of effectively governing. And my heart breaks for our Dreamers who fear deportation. These brave young people are America, and Republicans are destroying their lives.”
Issues: Government Reform & Ethics