Jayapal Statement on Passage of the GOP Tax Scam
WASHINGTON, D.C. – Congresswoman Pramila Jayapal released the following statement in response to House passage of the Republican tax bill that raises taxes on middle class families while giving tax breaks to large corporations and the wealthy:
“The GOP tax scam bill is an all-out war on any idea of opportunity in this country. It’s a massive tax break for the ultra-wealthy on the backs of middle class families. It’s outrageous that Republicans in the House voted to pass this love letter to their largest donors and corporations.
“Despite overwhelming opposition from the American people, this tax scam dismantles the Affordable Care Act, throwing 13 million people off their health care. It eliminates most of the State and Local Tax deduction, short-changing communities and resulting in as much as $152 billion in cuts to education funding over the next decade. It runs up the deficit anywhere from $1 trillion to $1.5 trillion, triggering cuts to Medicare and Medicaid. Despite what Republicans say, the fact of the matter is that 80 percent of all tax benefits in this bill go to the top one percent.
“With this heist, Republicans have branded themselves as the party of billionaires and giant corporations—they are robbing the American people and showing zero remorse.”
Issues: Government Reform & Ethics