Jayapal Blasts Latest TrumpCare Bill
WASHINGTON, D.C. – Congresswoman Pramila Jayapal released the following statement in response to House Speaker Paul Ryan and Republicans stripping key health care protections in the latest version of TrumpCare:
“Just when we thought it couldn’t get any worse, Republicans managed to make TrumpCare even a bigger loss for working families. President Trump and Speaker Ryan spent the night offering sweetheart deals to the Tea Party that raise premiums and gut benefits.
“The latest version of TrumpCare gets rid of basic protections that Americans rely on every day. Maternity care, prescription drugs and emergency coverage; all gone. Worse yet – in this new bill, Republicans have reneged on their promise to protect those with pre-existing conditions, functionally destroying the safeguards that help them survive.
“Young people, older Americans, veterans, children, working families – everyone will suffer if TrumpCare becomes law. We need to end this moral atrocity now. We need to kill this bill.”
This new TrumpCare bill would:
· Give a $1 trillion tax cut to the wealthy on the backs of low and middle income families.
· Gut essential health benefits, such as maternity, prescription drug and emergency coverage, functionally destroying protections for Americans with pre-existing conditions.
· Result in 24 million people losing their coverage in the next 10 years.
· Double the number of Americans without health insurance from 28 million to 52 million by 2026.
· Gut Medicaid by almost $1 trillion, leaving low and middle income families with no better alternatives for low cost health care.
· Force older Americans to pay higher premiums – as much as five times more than what others pay for health care. Seniors would effectively be forced to pay an age tax.
· Reduce access to contraception for low-income women in settings where they have few health care options.
Issues: Health Care