Jayapal Announces Federal Grants to Seattle Children’s Hospital and University of Washington
WASHINGTON D.C. – The Department of Health and Human Services will grant more than $1.5 million to Seattle Children’s Hospital and the University of Washington for research on concussions and HIV/AIDS prevention, respectively.
“I want to thank HHS for recognizing the dedicated and pioneering work of health researchers from my district,” said Rep. Jayapal. “These grants are a critical source of support for our scientific community. They fund groundbreaking research with the potential to improve and save millions of lives.”
HHS is granting $748,665 to Seattle Children’s Hospital and Project Director Dr. Fred Rivara for a research into a collaborative care model for the treatment of persistent symptoms after concussion among youth. Dr. Rivera is a nationally recognized authority on injury prevention.
HHS is granting $874,640 to a University of Washington research team which will seek ways to improve prime-boost immunization against HIV/AIDS.
Issues: Arts & Education, Health Care