Jayapal Votes to Deliver Additional COVID-19 Relief to Individuals, Families and Businesses Across Washington
WASHINGTON — United States Representative Pramila Jayapal (WA-07) issued the following statement after voting to deliver another round of critical COVID-19 relief to individuals, families and businesses in Washington and throughout the country:
“My office has heard directly from thousands of constituents across our community who have been devastated by this unprecedented public health and economic crisis. Like millions throughout the country, they need help paying bills, putting food on the table and making ends meet during these dire circumstances. I’m proud to pass another robust relief package that delivers them urgent assistance, and I call on the Senate to immediately do the same.
“As nearly one million new people file for unemployment each week, this package fully restores the $600 a week of expanded unemployment assistance, sends stimulus checks to individuals regardless of their immigration status and renews moratoriums on evictions and foreclosures. As at least 27 million people have lost their health care, this package opens a special health insurance enrollment period and increases subsidies to the maximum amount. And as small businesses continue to see their doors shutter, this package gets more relief out to help cover payrolls through grants—not loans. It also creates a $120 billion grant program for restaurants, and continues the essential Payroll Support Program for airlines to keep workers employed.
“Critically important for our region, the relief package also includes $238 billion for states and $179 billion for local governments to invest in their communities. Finally, this relief package invests $50 billion in child care as families struggle to withstand the crisis, $15 billion in the USPS as we protect mail delivery from this administration’s coordinated sabotage and additional funding for elections so every voice is heard during the most important election in recent memory.
“While this package takes urgently needed steps to help those in our community, I won’t stop fighting to get additional relief out to individuals, families, workers and small businesses. Our response must match the scale of this crisis, and I am committed to doing the work necessary to make that happen.”
Issues: Health Care, Jobs, Labor, & the Economy